Waste / No / Waste
Marijke Bruggink
I love plastic but there is just too much of it…
Personally, this project was a learning curve into understanding more about the different types of plastic that exist, the way they are coded, and the separate ways they can be recycled.
My research went into looking for possibilities to use this recycled HDPE (2) plastic for making shoes.
After a lot of testing (layering, heating, pressing, stitching, folding) the conclusion of my research was that a way to use HDPE 2 recycled plastic for shoes on a larger scale is to make it into components. Used in molds you could produce heels, buckles, or shanks. The recycled plastic could be also used for making shoe lasts.
For this smaller scale research project I worked with the recycled blown films and treated it as a yarn, as if it would be raffia fiber. I looked into the basics of knotting and weaving straps for sandals and bags. The recycled plastic tubes are used as they come straight out of the film blowing machine, as an oversized thread, a rope, then woven into a sole, or a knotted bag. Using the effect of the transparency and the layering and the strengths of the tubes.
We all need to move towards a more recycle-based society. Ideally this research will contribute to create more awareness. When we collect our waste more precise it will be easier to recycle and to re-use.
Instead of producing more plastic, have manufacturers and supermarkets take their responsibility. and give us options to re-fill existing packaging, besides creating plastic collection points.
I show you what you can do with HDPE tube films: you can DIY a simple slipper and a bag, made out of the base-material. Just to get into the groove of recycling being fun and streetwise stylish.